A letter from our Founder’s children.

Dear Friends,

Seventy years ago, our parents, Carl and Dorothy Morrison, moved to Portland and established the Portland Community Child Guidance Clinic. The concept of treating children differently from adults was only starting to develop, and our father was a pioneer in treating the child and family as a unit.

Carl was involved in many of the child service agencies in Portland, from the medical school to the juvenile court.  In 1970, he played an instrumental role in The State vs. Blum, a landmark court decision championing the rights of children. In those days, child services were not coordinated, so his comprehensive approach was revolutionary. He would be proud to see how far Morrison Child and Family Services has come in providing integrated care and outreach for the children and families in our community.

It is with great pride that we ask each of you to support the newly created Morrison Foundation’s endowment fund to continue the work our father, Dr. Carl Morrison, began 70 years ago.


Anne Morrison McCarthy                    David L. Morrison

James R. Morrison, MD                        John C. Morrison, MD