Planned & Crisis Respite Care
Respite Care Providers are specially trained foster parents who offer a safe, supportive, and therapeutic home environment. They engage the youth in fun recreational activities both at home and in the community.
Respite Care may be provided to youth struggling with mental health disorder symptoms that are challenging for their parent(s) or caregiver(s) to manage and may negatively impact the relationship between the youth and their family.
Respite Care typically lasts for 1-3 nights and may occur during the week or over a weekend.
Planned Respite
Planned respite is a proactive intervention with the goal of preventing behavioral escalations and placement disruptions. Respite stays can be scheduled in advance, sometimes with the same provider to provide predictably scheduled breaks for the client and their caregiver.
Crisis Respite
Crisis respite is usually provided at times of significant behavioral escalation as an alternative to an out-of-home placement and when a youth’s behavior is likely to stabilize in a respite placement.
If you are the youth’s parent, guardian, or mental health provider.
Join us in supporting youth with weekday and/or weekend respite.
Last year
The number of certified Respite Care Provider homes
The number of Respite Care nights provided last year
Reported getting the break they needed
Overall satisfaction score
And 94% of youth felt that they were treated with respect by the program
Our Planned & Crisis Respite Program is hosted through a network of Respite Care Providers that we recruit, certify, train, and support.
Please contact our administrative offices for more information.
Main Campus
11035 NE Sandy Boulevard
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 736-6503
Language Accessibility
Services are available in English and Spanish.
Insurance Accepted
Care Oregon (OHP/Oregon Medicaid)
Child and family referrals are made by mental health providers and are scheduled on a planned or crisis basis. Referrals can be initiated by the youth’s parent, guardian, or mental health provider.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility requirements for this program are as follows:
- OHP/Care Oregon Coverage
- Youth ages 3 – 17
- Care is crucial due to youth’s mental health symptoms, not for caregiver convenience
- Written justification from mental health provider required for respite eligibility.
- Youth must engage safely in services without suicidal, homicidal, or aggressive behavior.
- Appropriate placement required post-respite stay.
More Information
For information please contact Melissa Jackson by phone at (503) 736-6699 or by email.