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We’re proud to announce that one of our very own Parent Mentors, Michael Ray Simmons, has been selected as one of 11 remarkable individuals to receive a Casey Excellence for Children Award.

Headshot of Michael Simmons, Parent Mentor Who Received National Award

Presented by Casey Family Programs, these awards are a national recognition of the accomplishments of outstanding individuals, especially those with lived experience in the child welfare systems, who are working to safely reduce the need for foster care and build Communities of Hope. The awards recognize those who have demonstrated outstanding work, exceptional leadership, and unwavering dedication to improving child and family well-being in the U.S.

Michael is being recognized with the Birth Parent Award as a Birth Father. He has dedicated more than eight years to peer-delivered services with Morrison Child and Family Services as a Parent Mentor, Peer Supervisor, and now as the Program Supervisor. Within the Parent Mentors Program, Michael works to support parents in reuniting with their children and helps families thrive long-term.

Michael is on the Oregon Parent Advisory Council and has trained supervisors statewide on parent and child welfare engagement. He has also participated in legislative efforts for the Family First Prevention Services Act, contributed to curriculum development, and facilitated parent support and training programs. These are just some of the things on Michael’s long list of accomplishments.

Michael is well-deserving of this incredible national honor, and we’re grateful and proud to have him on our team, along with all the other Parent Mentors making great change happen every day.

For more information on the Casey Excellence for Children Awards, Michael’s background, and a video on his work, visit the Casey Family Programs website. To learn more about Morrison’s Parent Mentors Program, go to


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Portland, OR 97220

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Tax ID: 93-0354176


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Morrison Child & Family Services provides culturally responsive, anti-oppressive mental health and substance use disorder treatment, support, and prevention services to children, youth, and families who are working through the effects of systemic racism, trauma, poverty, abuse, neglect, or other mental health needs. Tax ID: 93-0354176

The Morrison Foundation partners with the community to sustain and expand financial support for Morrison Child and Family Services’ programming. Tax ID: 81-4453786

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